Tonight during a bowl of Trix this conversation came up and I knew that I needed to record it because it shows just what a cute kid he can be! (By the way, the Trix weren’t his dinner but he was still hungry after finishing his dinner, a pear, a handful of apple slices and a tangerine—he must be growing again!)
Sammy: “How does Heavenly Father go up there, you know, to heaven and space?”
Mommy: “Um, I guess that he can fly.”
Sammy: “Oh. So when he made the Sun he flew up there and made a big ball, glued rocks on it and then flew up there with a match and lit it on fire.”
Mommy: “Oh?”
Sammy: “And he made the stars and the moon too. When he made the moon he drew the moon, then glued rocks on it too. And Mars too.”
Mommy: “Yes, and Mars too.”
Sammy: “You like those stories?”
Mommy: “Yes, I like those stories.”