Can you believe that it's already been 6 months since we had the
surgery? I should have done this post last night but I was finishing grades, so I guess it's actually 6 months and one day! Oh well! I do remember signing our taxes and dropping them off while Nathan was still in the hospital. Fun times. Here is a look back at what he was and a look at how great he looks now. I notice a lot of traffic coming to my blog from countries all over the world to look at info about
Sagittal Synostosis so I'm sticking all of the links about Nathan and his story on the left for easy viewing!
I'm so grateful to live in this country where this type of surgery is possible, and to have had some of the best surgeons in the US work on Nathanael! We are very blessed...
Nathan pre/post surgery... (click to enlarge)
Nathan now! :)
Isnt that amazing! He looks so much better!!!
I just wanted to thank you for posting your story about your son on this site. On August 3, after a referral from our pediatrician, we were informed that our 6 week old son Thomas suffered from sagittal synostosis and that surgery was required asap to fix the issue. His surgery was August 4. He is doing fantastic but during the week we spent in the hospital when I had my doubts that this would be the case, I found your post showing how well Nathan responded to the surgery. I have to tell you that it helped me and my husband more than you can ever know. The doctors were telling us that he would be fine and recovery would be quick but your post showed us in living color. Thank you for posting your story. I am sure that we are not the only family that you have helped!
Hi there, I wanted to thank you for posting your story online. My son is going for his surgery on Jan 6 and your story has been a great help and also provided a bit of relief for us as well. We now feel a little bit more prepared although I dont think anything can prepare a person to see there child go through surgery. I did want to ask you if your son was fitted for a helmet afterwards or not? You had posted that they had suggested it but I didnt see him wearing one afterwards in any of your pics. If so, was it hard to deal with? The doctors are suggesting that we get our son fitted with one so I wanted to know what to expect. Anyway, I hope you respond to this. thanks
I did a search on photos for sagital synostosis and came across your site. My daughter has been diagnosed with this at 6 mo. We are taking her for surgery on May 25, 2010 at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago. I was feeling doubts about it, but now seeing your boy, I know that everything will turn out okay.
I want to thank you for posting this very important information. If it weren't for people like you to share this information, people like me wouldn't be more informed.
I trust that everything will work out well for our Greta.
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