Well, we did celebrate it in October but life has been so crazy I haven't been blogging or even reading other people's blogs! But since this is my journal I figure that I need to still journal it even if it is a few days (or weeks) late!
Halloween was “celebrated” three times but it still wasn’t enough for Sammy!
Sammy was a Boba Fett (I think) at the first activity and then a pirate at the other two activities because his other costume was too small.
Nathan was a very eager Buzz Lightyear, Danny stole everyone’s hearts as Squirt from Finding Nemo, oh, and I dressed up as Jessie (from Toy Story).
On Friday before Halloween, Sammy had a “character” parade at school where they dressed up and walked all around the school showing the parents and other kids their costumes!
And then on Saturday, we went with my sisters to their ward party and I just got to play (no assignments) and had a blast! They had a huge trunk or treat after and the boys had a lot of fun. (To the right Nathan is playing a silly donut game that he loved!)
On Sunday, being the party poopers that we are, we didn’t allow Sammy and Nathan to go trick or treating because it was the Sabbath. Later, Sammy told me something about Halloween being ruined because it was on a Sunday and that it wasn’t fair. Fair? He had Halloween three times! Oh well. It was a good time for all…