Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Benjamin–3 months old

Boys_February2012_ 194Wow. Three months have passed already…time flies and it feels like he’s always been a part of the family!

Highlights? He loves to smile…tracks his brothers all over the room and they each adore him. They’re even starting to help more with him if I need them to hold the bottle or make him smile when he’s fussy (which isn’t often—he’s a good little guy who really only cries to tell me that he’s hungry or tired).


Here are a few pictures of him! Enjoy! We love you Benny!

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Photo Update on the boys…

I haven’t blogged since I have gone back to work. It has been a little busy but I survived the month of January going back, starting basketball season with Sammy, Thad going back to school, grading too many final essays and trying to fit time to be mommy. I am still trying to recover from the sleep deprivation but I thought I needed to post a few pictures of my boys…that always makes me smile.

Sammy is getting really good on his bike! He’s been riding without training wheels for a few months now but I don’t have to worry every time he gets on about him crashing. And he is really good about wearing his helmet even though none of his friends wear them! Hooray Sam!


The boys got a new bed to share! They love it and on most nights they are really good and go to sleep quickly.


Benny’s first time on Daddy’s shoulders…fun…and cute! :)


All of my boys before bedtime!


Bathtime for Benny-boy! (He’s about 10 weeks here!)


Before church and haircuts…Sammy’s hair was getting super long!



And just one more of toothless since he’s changing so much!


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