The other day while shopping I found kites for $1 a piece. I was so excited since when they’re a dollar if they only last a day (because the boys inevitably always find a way to get the string all tangled, pull off the tail or lose it in a tree) then I’m not so sad and it is a dollar that we had a lot of fun with.
This day was no different! After naps we set up the kites and headed outside for some fun. When Daddy realized what we were doing he came out to join us and then decided that we should go to the park. We packed up the car and headed to the park closest to us and had a blast. Nathan was “done flying kites” and chose to play on the toys and Danny joined him. Sammy was still very much into the kites and ran until we were all frozen, picked up a $5 pizza, had a picnic in the van and then headed over to Costco to get some ice cream (our latest splurge are the $1.50 delicious hand dipped chocolate ice cream cones—they’re big enough to share; the boys had the frozen yogurt this time) and then we finally headed home. It was a great day off from work and lots of fun flying kites!
Enjoy the pictures…