Friday, May 24, 2013

Field Trip Fun x2–May 23, 2013

TheBoys_May2013_Sam'sFieldTripCentFarm 002Thursday was field trip day for the boys! I, sadly, was only able to go to one since I have not yet figured out how to easily divide myself into two although it would be helpful at times. ;) Sam’s teacher had asked me in the fall to save up this date so I went with them to Centennial Farm at the OC Fair Grounds. First we stopped at the farmer’s market to look at all of the produce before the Farm opened at 10 am. YUM! At the farm we had little tours by some TheBoys_May2013_Sam'sFieldTripCentFarm 041cute, retired farmers-ours was Farmer Tom! I got to take my own group with two more parent helpers and it was fun. We saw lots of farm animals, I learned that ox was more like a job description that they give to cows that are trained to work, we learned about eggs being fertilized and the steps until they hatch and then held some baby chicks, planted radishes (which we got to take home), saw tons of cool plants, learned about milking Holsteins and Jerseys and the difference between the milks, and more! Fun was had by all! :)

Nathan_May2013_24Nathan’s class went to the La Habra Children’s Museum. I was glad that his best buddy’s Skye’s mom was there so that I got to see lots of pictures of the museum. It looks pretty cool and I’m hoping to take the kids there this summer! Saturday, June 1st it’s free (Target free days) but then in July it’s changing to the first Sunday of each month :( but oh well. Nathan_May2013_10Sarah said that they had an area with taxidermy animals that you could touch, a pretend store, an excavating site, a pirate ship with dress up clothes, a carousel (that was included with admission!) and more. Nathan loved it! I definitely think we’ll have to go back this summer. 

They were both exhausted but happy and a great day was had by all! Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Danny: Why did the kitty cross the road?

IMG_0250Danny has been full of knock-knock jokes the last few weeks (ever since Sammy told one that he heard at school). He never ceases to amaze me with the animals that he picks and their reasons for crossing the road.

Here is the one from this morning…

Danny: Why did the kitty cross the road?

Mommy: Hmm…to get to his friends?

Danny: Noooo…to get to Mommy and Danny! Why did the doggy cross the road?

Mommy: To get to Mommy and Danny?

Danny: Nooooo! We have a cat not a dog mom! (Sighing) To get to the neighbor’s house!

So silly I know but these are some of the little things that I don’t want to forget when they get older!

Happy Monday!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother’s Day Weekend

TheBoys_May2013_ 014It has been a busy weekend for our family and a good one too. I could probably start on Thursday night! There was a Mom and Knight dinner at Chick-Fil-A and the boys and I had a special “Date Knight” there. They had activities and cool swords for the boys-they had so much fun!

After school on Friday we jumped in the car and headed to appointment and then stopped with Grandma and had Subway. Sam (easily) finished off his own foot long (with ALL of the fixings like mine so it’s more like a salad with bread) reminding me why we don’t go to Subway (I can’t afford that many foot long subs!) We rushed home in time to get the boys ready for the Stake Father/Son’s Outing and got them on their way. They were so excited and happily jumped in the car and waved goodbye!

TheBoys_May2013_ 016Saturday morning came early, along with baseball, lunch at Costco and then naps (thank goodness). While the little boys were napping Sam, Nathan and I played Settlers of Catan, which Sammy is really enjoying, (he even read the box and saw the expansion packs that were available and promptly asked for one for his birthday—or if not, he said, he could ask Santa for one, no big deal! ;) )  We decided to celebrate Mother’s Day early and Thad planned a little outing to Downtown Disney. We let the boys play at the LTheBoys_May2013_ 015ego store for a while and then ate dinner at Rainforest CafĂ©! It was yummy and the boys had a blast!

Sunday we enjoyed a beautiful morning at church and the boys got to sing to me (well, to all f the moms) and of course I cried. I got Benny boy to sleep for a while in sacrament meeting and then when he woke up Thad took him to Nursery which made my life SO EASY! I can’t believe he’s old enough to go (but I sure am relieved!) I am missing my mom but she’s enjoying a nice river cruise in Norway with my dad and some friends! I fixed some pasta with meatballs (I’m okay with cooking as long as I don’t have to do the dishes :( those are the worst!) and corn on the cob. YUM! (Plus, if I cook I get to choose what we eat, right?!)

And oh, I forgot, some fun news for Mother’s Day? We’re expecting again :) and this time it’s a girl!  The boys are beyond over joyed and you should have seen the twinkle in Thad’s eye on Friday when they told us! He has been giddy ever since. I think that he has been patiently waiting for his princess. :)


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