Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse/ Breaking Dawn (to be released 8/2/08) - by Stephenie Meyer (and Twilight the movie is coming out this December!)
The Uglies/Pretties/Specials/Extras - By Scott Westerfeld
Stravaganza (3 book series) - By Mary Hoffman (they're releasing a fourth this year too!)
The Giver, Gathering Blue, Messenger - By Lois Lowry
Harry Potter (of course-not from this year, but Thad's reading them!) - By J.K. Rowling
Last year I also read all of the The Chronicles of Narnia
I'm trying to think of any more that I just love...but that should keep you busy for hours!
I just thought of one more series that I read, The Midnighters also by Scott Westerfeld, and I just started the Lord of the Rings (which Thad read--his first series I think?!) :)
A Great and Terrible Beauty , Rebel Angels and The Sweet Far Thing (The Gemma Doyle Trilogy)
Eragon/Eldest/Brisinger (The Inheritance Cycle) by Christopher Paolini
and The Pit Dragon Chronicles Dragon's Blood, Heart's Blood, and A Sending of Dragons by Jane Yolen
I read the Giver in High School and loved it! You're the first person (besides myself) that I've ever heard of that has read it! I'll have to look at some of those other books when I get a chance.
Lisa, I think that you'll enjoy the other books by her if you liked The Giver. :) And try some of the other series too. I own most of them if you want to borrow some! :)
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