Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Space Ship Sammy

Here is a little video of Sammy…singing a little bit to Grandpa for his birthday and then singing a song he learned in Preppie-K! Enjoy!

Hooray for the Dell Web cam and fun, silly videos before bed!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saving mementos!

Sammy_PreppieK_003So Sammy started Preppie-K over a week ago. I also started school and I'm remembering how much work it really is and I'm amazed at how tired I am after a full day of work!

He also starting bringing works of art to show me! My brain remembers reading on a blog by some BlogHER out there that takes pictures and/or scans the art that her kids do and then puts it in a digital book which she has printed (and there are so many good companies out there). So I did it, well, the scanning at least! I plan on making a digital scrapbook this year of our family’s doings and silly stories so this will be perfect and then if someone gets to them or spills on them or attacks them with scissors I won’t be totally sad, and I’ll still have the memory of what was important to him at school, like "playing with the action figures” during free time!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sammy Starts School

It has started…my first little guy has started school. He will be in school until hmm…wow…June of 2024! I am sure that it will go quicker than I realize. He is in a special four year old program at Burbank Elementary for late birthdays and I hope that it will be good for him! Daddy took him to school today so this is all a second hand account but we’ll see how it goes…

We’ve been counting down the days on a calendar and he was very excited to be going to school. Today was finally the day! “Today is the ninth” he told me after school. I learned that in class. ;)

It was also my first day of school with kids so there was a little extra stress and anxiety on my part. I didn’t want to be late either and it got a little crazy in the morning trying to get him to eat his food in time and get dressed so that Daddy could deliver the two youngest to Grandma who was going to watch them while Daddy accompanied Sammy for his first day. He got up, got dressed and then it was time to put his shoes on…shoes, shoes, where are the shoes? We found them, put them on and then Sammy said, “ouch, these hurt!” What? He wore these last week and they were fine. Okay. I ran to the box of the next size up clothing and looked…they weren’t there. Oh nuts. Oh yeah, Sammy got into them and I moved them…but where? Oh  nuts again…the clock is ticking for me and I’m figuring out how many minutes until I’ll be late too! I finally found them, stuck them on, and then tried to run out the door…Nathan was still asleep when it was time to go so he got woken up and almost thrown in the car which made him grumpy and wanting Mommy who was already supposed to be at school. I did get going and made it to school five measly minutes before the first bell (phew).

Sammy was beaming from ear to ear, had his lunch box packed and backpack ready and jumped in the car. Daddy delivered him safely and stayed with him (per the school’s policy) until 11:30 when they came home. I got home and talked to Sammy about school and he told me, “it was awesome!” He told me a few tidbits about rug time and play time but was too distracted to give me really good details. Oh well. I know that he was happy, that he enjoyed it and that he was well behaved and that is what matters, right?

The real test will be tomorrow…all day long by himself until 1:30! And then next month when it changes to 2:30! I’m crossing my fingers but I think that he’ll be alright!

Friday, September 3, 2010

John Williams at the Hollywood Bowl

SummerFun_August2010_JohnWilliams_ 018We drove up (well, Jeff drove us up in a big comfy white van) to the Hollywood Bowl to see good ol’ John conduct. Thad wants to go every year and I quite enjoy “The Music of the Movies” as well so we decided to invite friends and family and enjoy. We also decided to take along Sammy and his cousin Jared (die hard Star Wars fans!) and they were super excited!

SummerFun_August2010_JohnWilliams_ 003 While we were waiting to go in they were giggling, hugging and playing and then they spotted them…some light sabers in the window but didn’t say much (just gawked—I think that with me and Cathy as moms they didn’t even ask…) But then to their utter surprise and enjoyment Kathryn Raile appeared with something behind her back. When they couldn’t guess what it was she handed two nifty light sabers to them! You should have seen their  eyes! They had a blast with them.

SummerFun_August2010_JohnWilliams_ 007

We enjoyed the music…the boys did get asked by the people behind us to put their light sabers away and they stayed up and were good until about 10 pm…then they passed out…right as the Star Wars music was starting! We tried to wake them up since they had asked about it all night but we were unsuccessful. Jared sat up for a minute and then laid his head down clutching his still glowing light saber. Sammy was harder to “wake” and finally was roused for about 10 seconds until his light saber turned off and then his head fell too. The music was great. The food was yummy. The company was even better. :)SummerFun_August2010_JohnWilliams_ 021

-Lots of friends.
-13 tickets to the Hollywood Bowl to see John Williams.
-Seeing Sammy and Jared fall asleep right before the Star Wars songs were played…


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Soccer Time!

SummerFun_August2010_SammySoccer_ 005 I began playing soccer a long time ago as a timid 5 year old and was often seen picking flowers and drifting off into space…

27 years later (yikes) I am in a new role as a soccer mom of a four-year old! Now I’m not sure that this classifies as soccer but there are boys, cleats, a field and bunches of little size three balls.

Sammy was elated as I finally announced on Friday that his first soccer practice was actually that night! He said, “tonight?” and then smiled from ear-to-ear with a smile worthy of (and only possible with) our genes.

We arrived at practice on time but by the time I got all of the kids and stuff out of the car, and walked (carrying one and pushing another tired one) to the field we were ten minutes late. Sigh. He was so anxious and excited and jumped right in. The “stretching” if you could call it that was especially fun to watch since all of the kids had a hard time mimicking the coach’s teenage sons (who are former students of mine :) ) as they stretched on one leg or the other.

Finally it was time for practice! The coach had them put their balls on top of their heads so that he could talk to them and then told them to put the ball on the ground and then dribble. Sammy, excited at his realization that he knew how to do this, quickly picked up the ball and started to “dribble”, but no, not like a soccer ball but like a basketball! I should have snapped a picture but I was too busy giggling hysterically and then trying to get him to put the ball on the ground and dribble it like we had practiced at home (I guess that I didn’t use the terminology with him!) Oh well.

Practice was fun! Sammy had a blast and when the coach asked him after he responded, “great!” with a smile that would melt any mom’s (and any coach’s) heart! I am looking forward to seeing him grow and enjoy this new fun time in his life!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Danny boy!

IMGP7051 [He] had a birthday shout hooray!
We want to sing for him today!
One year older and wiser too!
Happy Birthday, to [him]!

I always loved that Primary song and Danny had a birthday too! I can’t believe that it has been a whole year since we brought him home. (Time flies as we age doesn’t it?)

Danny loves

  • his brothers! He lights up every time that he sees them, especially in the morning when they wake up!
  • to say “hiiiii” and wave. He especially likes to say “Hi Dad!”
  • to snuggle and put his forehead to yours! He loves to hug!
  • to eat gram crackers, pretzels, fruit and In-N-Out cheeseburgers!
  • to drink real milk – on his birthday we made cupcakes and offered one to him. He was hesitant but picked at it a little and got a bite. We offered him some milk which he quickly took a sip of and then didn’t stop drinking until the sippy cup was empty. Having an empty cup he finally returned to eating the cupcake. What can I say but that Great Grandpa was a dairyman?
  • to crawl everywhere! He also stands up (for ten or twenty seconds at a time) to play with his toys and “cruises” along the furniture.
  • to shake his head (and whole body) when we say “no” to something. He will also shake his head no when he is trying to do something that we’ve told him not to!
  • grabbing DVDs from the top of the Blu-ray player! :(!

He is a happy little guy who is pretty content being in our family! He loves to snuggle and love us and chase after his brothers and we’re happy to have him! Here is to another great year Danny! We love you! :)

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