Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sammy - His Baptism Day: It’s Great to be Eight!

IMGP4830 - CopyWe had a fun time with lots of family in town for our two big events last weekend, Emma’s blessing, and Samuel’s baptism. It was a fun weekend (although at times, very, well, busy!)

We belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (which still amazes some people; I get the “you’re Mormon?” question a lot!) and we don’t baptize until age 8 (or anytime after) as we believe that children aren’t accountable for their sins until that time. (That is why our sweet Emma received a blessing at church but wasn’t baptized—she is still perfect!)

Well, it was Sammy’s big day, (I mean, Samuel, he prefers Samuel now although Mommy still calls him Sammy boy) and he was very excited. He spent the morning hiking and even saw snow and the day just continued to get better. Daddy gave him a hair cut and he got all showered and clean and in his suit. They went to the church early and when we arrived he was dressed in white.

It was a Stake baptism and two of his friends, Laura and MeleAna,  were also being baptized. Some of his cousins and church friends sang, talks were given and the baptisms went off without a hitch. We celebrated at my sister’s house (thanks Carrie and Mike) and had a great evening! Now I have to help him continue to grow in faith and remember not  to get overwhelmed by his imperfections (he’s really hard on himself). That is what the sacrament’s for each week though…repenting and beginning again clean each week. (Phew!)

Thank you to the village (aka. ward family) who has loved and taught him in class or by example and helped us raise him to be the wonderful boy that he is. Enjoy a few of the pictures from our special day.




Saturday, December 14, 2013

Emma–2 months old / Blessing Day

IMGP4997I can’t believe that it’s been two months since our sweet little baby girl came into our family that Monday morning. She is such a good little baby and even slept through the night a few nights back (which is something the boys didn’t do for a long time!) She loves to smile and coo at her brothers (and Mommy and Daddy) and it is hard to remember life without her.

Last week we celebrated her a bit and she was blessed at church. It was a special day for all of us and my mom even found the dress that my sisters and I were blessed in while she was going through things a month or two ago and it fit her! The men who participated in the blessing said that she was so happy and smiled the whole time at Daddy while he was giving her the blessing. The Lord has a wonderful life in store for her.

Here are some pictures from her special day!


With Mom and Dad


With Great Grandma Marcroft (and Aunt Addie)


Smiling at Aunt Becky


An attempt at a happy family picture!


A Marcroft Cousin picture (missing a few cousins who were sick and others who were with Mommy)…

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Merry Christmas (Card) 2013

Merry Christmas from the Marcrofts!
This is just in case I don't actually get the cards addressed, stamped and mailed again this year! :)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Benjamin: 2 years old!

TheKids_November2013_ 021Happy (late) birthday to my Benny boy who turned two this week. He is my big baby boy and Emma is my little baby girl. They both are still babies which makes it so fun and so hard. But he is getting bigger! He is beginning to really be able to communicate and thinks that he’s big like his brothers! I always like to look back at the birth story and remember when they were little too…Danny was his age and he was a baby in this picture; so sweet. Benjamin is definitely into the terrible tricky-for-mommy, twos. He loves to climb, hit, bite, run into the street, throw toys, draw on walls, scream, hmm…did I miss anything? Oh yeah, that he can also give the sweetest kisses and the biggest hugs. He loves to give high fives and “knucks” and is a pretty happy guy as long as he is not hungry, thirsty or tired!

Some of the things that he likes:
-Bugs (he often will lay on the ground with his face staring at the ants or whatever he can find).
-Playing outside
-Laying on the floor or in the dirt/on the grass outside and driving cars
-Drawing (on anything and everything—and I mean everything; he even got the back of the car when one of the boys left a crayon outside!)
-Grandma and Grandpa
-Eating! He eats as much as the big kids but he’s not too into cake/ice cream although he LOVES candy and is still finding random stuff that the boys lost/hid around Halloween!
-Dogs; he sometimes is a little scared if they’re bigger than him but he still wants to approach them cautiously.
-Baby Emma – he goes searching for her so I have to keep an extra eye on both of them. He does love to smother her with kisses and sometimes hugs.

His words (well, the ones that I can remember!)
-Tirsty (thirsty and now he uses it for hungry as well); he is the thirstiest kid ever! I hear this one all day long mostly for water!
-Kay = car
-Let’s go
-May me! = Help me!
-Papa = grandma/grandpa
-Tain tou=thank you
-Choo choo!
-ball, baseball
-One, two and sometimes tree (three)!
-Nana = banana
-Apple (for apples and any fruit besides banana)
-Where are you?
-Cha, cha, cha (especially at the end of the birthday song!)

Happy 2nd Birthday Benjamin! We love you! :)

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Friday, November 8, 2013

Kid Stain removing 101: The Power of Zote

jabon-zoteI was just scrubbing out the stains out of Emma’s clothes and blanket from last night’s blowout at Target. Sigh. Did I forget to mention that somehow I had forgotten to take the diaper bag in so I had my cart with my stuff to buy in it when she started fussing (which is so unlike her) and when I picked her up I found out that she had pooped all over. I looked for the diaper bag (oops) or a diaper in my purse (oops again) with no luck so I  covered her backside up with her blanket, kept her in my arms, and tried to wrangle the four boys as I finished up the shopping (I still needed to get a few things). It was fun (ha!) Anyway, when I got home I had to get that yellow seedy poop out of her onesie, jumper and blanket—again, so much fun!
I digress though since the point of this post is to tell you how to get out the stains in case you haven’t figured it out! Stains are something that a mom of five (including 4 boys) has a lot of experience with. I realized last year that not everyone has figured out this cheap solution and awesome secret! :) It’s called Zote. It is about $1 and you can find it at Target/Wal-Mart/$ Store etc. I have tried the pink and the white and don’t see much difference (for me) so buy whatever they have. It’s worth your dollar, I promise!

Here is what I have successfully gotten out of clothing with Zote: grass stains (out of white Yankee t-ball pants!), red clay dirt (from the baseball field), old formula stains on baby clothing (even the ones that magically show up while the clothes are in storage!), blood, poop (even that sticky yellow baby poop!) and popsicle. I’m sure that it would work on other stains too but it won’t work on crayon that you’ve washed and dried onto your clothes :( especially if they happen to be your husband’s nicest white church shirts and white baptismal and temple clothing. Yes, that happened to me too. Sigh.

Here is how I use it:
1. Wash the stain out with water (I usually use cold since I’ve been told that heat can set the stain) and get out the chunks (i.e. if you’re dealing with baby poop wash out the clumpy looking seed things before they get on another part of the outfit!)
2. Scrub the Zote directly onto the stain. I am always very generous with this part because it’s cheap and it doesn’t seem to damage the clothing. I always work in the bathroom sink and just have the water on low so I can get it a little wet and scrub the stain using the other parts of the garment. I don’t ever use anything additional but I occasionally scrub with my nail if something is stuck on there!
3. Add more Zote if necessary and scrub some more and then let it soak for a bit. Now I like to let it soak because I think that usually the stains magically disappear when it is soaking. If I don’t soak them I don’t think it gets the really stained things clean (i.e. old formula stains). Sometimes I just leave it for 30 mins or an hour but like last night I passed out and forgot about the stains on the clothes and when I grabbed them this morning there wasn’t any yellow at all on them (there was definitely still some yellow on them last night!)
4. Throw the clothes into the wash! If you think that there might still be a little bit of stain left put some more Zote in and then throw it in the washing machine. Like with any stain check your garment before you dry it!
I wish that I had taken before and after pictures last night so that you could see and believe but I’ll have to add those later if when she poops through again or during baseball season! Until then you’ll just have to give it a try! :)
Good luck!
P.S. If you are one of my friends and have noticed that I still have stains on some many things you can chalk that up to not checking and scrubbing out every item of clothing from the hampers before throwing them into the washer.
P.P.S. Fels Naptha is also a great choice… check out this post on “super paste” and if you can’t find Fels Naptha at the store you can get it for $1.09 from Amazon (with free shipping if you have Prime!)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween 2013

Here are some pictures from our Halloween Fun for 2013. Their ages this year are Emma – 2 weeks, Ben – almost 2, Danny – 4, Nathan – 6, and Sammy – 8.

Here are a few pictures from the ward Halloween party:

On Saturday, we spent the morning at the zoo while Thad volunteered for Beta Alpha Psi for the Zoo Spooktacular!

Here are some pics from the actual day of Halloween! Nathan’s parade at school, accounting firm fun, and more!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

DIY Ruby Red Slippers

My mother-in-law bought us a cute little blue gingham plaid dress for Emma Jane which we decided to use for a costume. It definitely looks like a Dorothy dress from Wizard of Oz but I figured that she needed some ruby slippers but I didn’t want to buy shoes just for this! I tried to clean some white shoes that the boys had gotten out and well, I ruined them, so, I figured why not. I looked up a tutorial (here and here) and used them as references.

Here were the supplies that I used:
-2 oz. bottle of red acrylic paint (50 cents)
-ModPodge (I got the “sparkle” but I wish I would have just gotten gloss; the shiny has irridescent sparkles which are pretty but take away from the red)
-1 paint brush or craft foam sponge
-(optional) painter’s tape to tape off parts you don’t want red
-red glitter! (or silver if you want to go with the book; I like the movie version, sorry!)
-Newspaper or paper to paint/work onTheKids_October2013_ 101

1) Start with clean shoes (and tape them if necessary) and paint them red (this helps in case you miss a spot!) Wait for them to dry.

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2) Mix the mod podge with an ample amount of glitter. I used about 2 Tbs of mod podge and about the same of glitter I think. I put in a little and then stirred until I thought that you saw more glitter than glue.

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3) Apply mod podge/glitter mixture but don’t goop it on. Try to make a nice even coat.TheKids_October2013_ 106

4) Wait for it to dry (you could sand in between this step and the next like this tutorial; the shoes came out really nicely. I didn’t have any sandpaper on hand so I didn’t do this. There are a few spots that would have benefitted from this step. Here are the shoes after one coat.TheKids_October2013_ 110

5) If needed apply a second coat (I did just because I had enough mod podge already mixed.) I had enough glitter in the modge podge that they could have just had one coat.

6) (optional) Apply a coat of varnish or sealer to seal them in. I didn’t and I don’t think that it is totally necessary if you’re using them for a costume. If you’re planning to wear these regularly then this would be a good step).

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7) Dress up and enjoy your shoes! :)

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