Wednesday, June 18, 2014

School’s Out, Bop-til-you-drop ah-ha!

So whenever school ends I always have this phrase, “School’s out, bop till you drop!” in my head (thanks Punky Brewster…I looked it up and this episode aired in 1988 when I was just ten years old…that is a long time for my head to be repeating that!) LOL. But school is out (well mostly). I still have essays to grade, participation to add up, and projects and review booklets to enter in! But the boys are done!

Here is a picture of each of them today. Sam really didn’t want me to take one but then said okay reluctantly and finally took one with a friend from class. He will be starting third grade in the fall!


Nathan was more excited and quickly took one with his teacher. As we walked out though he was anxious for me to open up his report card. He asked me, “Mom, can you check and see if I passed and get to go to first grade?” I assured him that he had passed but he insisted, “you have to open the report card and check!” I did and he had all 3’s and a few 4’s as well as E’s and S’s so he for sure passed. :)


And in the fall Danny will be starting school! I’m hoping that he can be in TK (Transitional Kindergarten) with Mrs. MacInnis at Burbank. She is my most favorite teacher ever. :) She amazes me every time that I see her in action! If you want, you can take a Flashback to last year with Nathan  or three years ago with Sammy! Danny is excited to say the least! :)


This summer will be a busy one. I hope that we stay busy and happy. Thad is working so it will be my first summer “all alone” like the rest of the moms out there who don’t have teacher husbands. Wish me luck! I hope that we get to play, do some cleaning/organizing, that I can talk the boys into doing some practice work so that they don’t regress and that they get along well! :) I’m very grateful for summer vacation although September 2nd will come all too quickly I’m sure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just googled "School's out Bop 'til you drop" to see whether I could figure out which Punky episode that it had come from, and the only links that popped up pointed me toward your blog. Looks like I'm a year younger than you, but I, too, have had that phrase in my head most years at the end of the school year. I am currently a university professor, and today was our last day of classes, and that little tune popped right back into my brain like it had never left! Thank you for sharing the memory!

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