I feel like I'm reading Parents magazine and I just read a story about someone's kid who drank something that he wasn't supposed to and they had to call Poison Control and rush him to the hospital...oh wait! That happened today!
Somehow when we threw the jack-o-lanterns out the oil candle didn't get thrown out and Thad found Nathan sucking on it this morning. He called the doctor (per the directions on the candle), then poison control center, and then rushed him to the hospital. Ed came over to watch Sammy until my mom could arrive and as soon as I got the message at school my friend's took turns covering my classes and I headed to the hospital (yes, I have GREAT friends at my school).
It didn't burn his throat on the way down but they weren't sure how much he'd had or if it had gotten into his lungs. It contains petroleum and the big worry with that is that it gets in the lungs and can cause pneumonia. He was coughing and lethargic when he got there but then he rested and woke up happy and healthy! They kept him for 6 hours for observation (the magic number of hours before the pneumonia is supposed to show up), took chest x-rays (that was fun to try to keep him still) and then sent us on our way!
Phew. Note to self (and other busy moms out there) check daily for things that could be dangerous to kids even if they don't look like candy or something that they would normally grab and chew/suck on! I'm grateful that he's okay. We feel very blessed that it wasn't more serious!
p.s. Here is a cute photo of him at the hospital! Everyone loved him and kept coming by his spot and playing peek-a-boo with him. This was taken right after he woke up and was feeling much better!
My gift today
1 year ago
I'm so happy that everything turned out okay, Allie. You guys had me scared for a bit there! Thanks for the friendly Mom reminder too. :)
wow...that's intense...I am getting a little scared of what these kids can get into...
Wow! How scary! I'm pretty paranoid about this happening in my own house...especially as I try to infant-proof my now toddler-proofed home - I'd forgotten how different it is! Thanks for the reminder. :)
oh my goodness, that is so scary! I am glad that it turned out well and that he is smiling. What a cutie!
poor allison...hasn't he spent enough time in a hospital????:)
I too have a poison control story. When we loved in Bakersfield (and didn't know we had toxic mold) the 3 kids were sick constantly. Luke was the worst and had many medications every day. He had a cough syrup that he hated and spit out every time I gave it to him. I gave it to him and put the lid on and put it back on that counter. After putting in a load of laundry I come back to find an empty bottle. I couldn't find the contents anywhere. I didn't think he would drink the medicine that he wouldn't even take a teaspoon of but I called poison control and they asked how far to the nearest hospital and told me to go right then and not wait for the ambulance. Long story short he had no problems and after a day of observation we got to go home. (As it turns out the medical staff was not very nice to the mom when a kid has a possible overdose). Later that night I was washing dishes and dumped out a cup of root beer. The medicine had settled under the rootbeer but couldn't be seen because the liquid was dark. I will add my warning if you have to call poison control about medicine they will want to know exactly how much was in the bottle (or how many pills there were). I knew ours was full cause I had just filled it. Now medicine is in a box on the shelf in my closet. I am thankful that is was a false alarm, but it is a day I never want to repeat.
glad everything turned out okay. Take care.
Wow, I am glad that he is ok. I guess he missed the hospital and wanted to visit again!!!!
Oh honey... So when I was little I drank an entire bottle of terpentine and then mom gave me epicac to bring it back up... Burned both ways. But I survived, Im glad he did too. But sometimes I wonder if thats why Im a little chueco ;) Wanted to let you know Im having a baby shower on Dec 6th... you mentioned wanting to come to one. Shoot me your mailing address and I'll have them send you an invite :)
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