Thursday, June 19, 2014

Emma: 8 months

IMGP9157What? Where? When? How in the world is she already 8 months old?

I can barely believe it….

She loves:
Her brothers!
Her mommy (okay and Daddy too!)
Her Grandmas AND Grandpas (and turns when she hears their voices)
Trying to eat things that she shouldn’t!

Her newest tricks:
Saying “hi”
Leading music
Crawling (she started this a few weeks ago)
Pulling up to stand (and prefers this to crawling if she can :( which scares Grandma!)

Physical Changes:
Two bottom teeth that appeared toward the end of her sixth month
A few curls in the back and on the sides of her head
Her eyes are blue but have a greenish brownish circle as well.
She holds her breath like two of her brothers (Nathan and Ben) when she’s really upset. :( It’s got to be genetically linked!

She is still overall a very happy baby. She loves being with people and will smile at almost anyone! We love you Emma!


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

School’s Out, Bop-til-you-drop ah-ha!

So whenever school ends I always have this phrase, “School’s out, bop till you drop!” in my head (thanks Punky Brewster…I looked it up and this episode aired in 1988 when I was just ten years old…that is a long time for my head to be repeating that!) LOL. But school is out (well mostly). I still have essays to grade, participation to add up, and projects and review booklets to enter in! But the boys are done!

Here is a picture of each of them today. Sam really didn’t want me to take one but then said okay reluctantly and finally took one with a friend from class. He will be starting third grade in the fall!


Nathan was more excited and quickly took one with his teacher. As we walked out though he was anxious for me to open up his report card. He asked me, “Mom, can you check and see if I passed and get to go to first grade?” I assured him that he had passed but he insisted, “you have to open the report card and check!” I did and he had all 3’s and a few 4’s as well as E’s and S’s so he for sure passed. :)


And in the fall Danny will be starting school! I’m hoping that he can be in TK (Transitional Kindergarten) with Mrs. MacInnis at Burbank. She is my most favorite teacher ever. :) She amazes me every time that I see her in action! If you want, you can take a Flashback to last year with Nathan  or three years ago with Sammy! Danny is excited to say the least! :)


This summer will be a busy one. I hope that we stay busy and happy. Thad is working so it will be my first summer “all alone” like the rest of the moms out there who don’t have teacher husbands. Wish me luck! I hope that we get to play, do some cleaning/organizing, that I can talk the boys into doing some practice work so that they don’t regress and that they get along well! :) I’m very grateful for summer vacation although September 2nd will come all too quickly I’m sure!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

We love to read!

DSCN2835So Nathan (6 1/2) is just finishing up kindergarten and is doing really well. Last night was a big milestone though. He grabbed a book and said, “I’ll read it to you Danny” and then read all 62 pages of Are You My Mother only getting stuck on four words. It’s so exciting to see him not be scared of new words and plowing through and enjoying all kinds of text and books. :)

Sammy (8 1/2) is also a voracious reader and told me a story about school today. He said that they were discussing mammals, insects, fish and something else and that he couldn’t believe that other kids didn’t know a) that dolphins weren’t fish, b) that the class butterflies were painted ladiesDSCN2839 not Monarch butterflies (his words were, “they just think that they’re Monarchs because that is a popular butterfly!”, and c) that praying mantises (?) are carnivorous. I giggled and said, “well, we love to read non-fiction books and learn all about all of those things! A lot of kids prefer fiction.” It was interesting to watch him tonight though as he was fighting for a bit of the attention from his brothers, was reading to Ben, and kept trying to lure Danny over with cool info on the tide pools, sea urchins and more.

DSCN2831Ben is also beginning to love books. Before he’d climb up and down and around the beds/bunk beds as we read but now he grabs his favorite books (those with trains, trucks, cars or Legos in them( and says “Book! Book!” and will snuggle into read with you. (<—Here he said ‘'Cheeeeese!”)

I am so glad that they love to read as much as I do! They are also really into audiobooks right now and we’ve listened to about 15 Magic Treehouse books, a few Geronimo Stilton books, Nim’s Island (a new favorite) and tons of Dr. Suess as we drive home from school and around town to practices and games.

Looking forward to more time to do simple things like reading (and not just for HW) this summer!
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