It was one of those days that made me remember that working outside the home is often easier than inside...
It all started with Nathan waking up screaming with diarrhea at 4:30 am and then again at 8am and of course it was everywhere ... then Sammy had it too... fun! More of Nathan's teeth are finally coming in and he was super fussy all day ... didn't want me to put him down, or walk away from him, or do anything that was for anyone but him ... he didn't want to take his naps and he didn't sleep as long when he finally did ... Sammy didn't want to sleep either and stayed up talking for over two hours till I finally gave up & then of course he was overtired and fussy ... Sammy kept dumping out toy boxes full of cars, then blocks, then Legos (luckily the trains were in another room) ... I was tired (I went to sleep too late last night) and of course it's that time of the month so I am overly sensitive, tired, and grouchy, and well, by 5 pm I was all done. I kept thinking and wondering how all of you do it? How do you do this 24-7? I just needed to get out of the house (with or without the kids--just get out!) or have a minute without someone screaming or crying or dumping toys or pulling at my legs! I never get to see Thad anymore because he's been working so late and I just wanted some time when I was awake to see him and I wanted the kids to be able to see him we were supposed to meet up with Thad for dinner before he went back to work but Nathan was finally sleeping and ugh we missed that too! It goes without saying that I wasn't able to get any of the housework or chores or errands that I needed to do done!
I'm glad that this day's over and I know that it could have been worse ... I hope that one day I learn the secrets to being a happy stay at home mom --and how to keep them happy, learning, playing, growing and busy without the TV on ... and how to not get stressed out and feel like a failure anytime that don't take a nap, or anytime that they are screaming or whining or hitting or kicking and I don't feel motherly or just want to cry! If I figure all that out then maybe I won't be so scared to have more kids since I feel like I'm barely managing the two that I have.
My gift today
2 years ago
Everyone has those days. Thankfully they are not all like that!
Everyday is so different. You are a great Mom, you have happy kids and a happy Husband! Don't beat yourself up!! Just like Cas said, we all have those days.
Ahhh, if you find the answer to the hardships of stay-at-home motherhood, I'd loved it if you could bottle it and sell it. I would certainly buy:) If it weren't for those really bad days, their smiles would be nearly as cute and their I love you's wouldn't mean quite as much. However, it's all easier said than done....
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