We took another mini-vacation this week with my parents. They invited us to Oceanside to their favorite timeshare that is right on the beach/pier. Sammy, Nathan and I took the
Metrolink Train down from Norwalk to Oceanside where my mom met us and we walked across the street to the hotel. It was a nice ride and Sammy even got to talk to the "ductor" aka conductor! He was very excited. We played at the beach in the sand, on the toys there, in the water, in the sand some more until it was time for bed. There was this steep ramp that we walked up to get down from the pier and the first day Sammy saw some boys riding their skateboards down it and every time we went down it he "skated" sideways all the way down (and even up sometimes) -- I thought that it was cute.Thad made it down late Wednesday after a busy day of work/errands. Thursday we got up when Nathan went down for a nap my mom stayed with him and we (Thad, Sammy, and I) and walked out to the end of the pier and had breakfast at
Ruby's (we had eaten Cheerios earlier but I was happy about a "real" breakfast!!) Then we took a double surrey for a ride up and down the beach--that was hard work but fun! Then the kids took naps and we ran errands, then back to the beach to play some more. It was nice because we were so close that we could play in between all of Nathan's naps and it was very relaxing. We also got to play with cousins Cameron, Natalie, and Ashley! :) More pics at
Sammy at the Metrolink Station in Norwalk wishing that were our train!

The view from the room--we were so close to the pier!

The Double Surrey! I got out to take the picture...I had been seated next to Thad!

Sammy playing in the sand...he dug, poured, sifted, etc every time that we would let him!

A picture of Sammy and I on the pier with Ruby's in the background!

Just the two of us!
1 comment:
Looks like so much fun! I miss the beach!
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